by topic
COVID-19 Hotline (800) 722-5725
The COVID-19 hotline is a service operated by the healthcare professionals at the KY Poison Control Center who can provide advice and answer questions. Please be patient as we are handling a high volume of calls and want to give everyone the time they deserve, including patients calling with poison emergencies.
Please note: COVID-19 is a reportable disease in Kentucky
The Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) is responding actively to the COVID-19 situation. Our State Health Operations Center is operating at Level 1, its highest activation level. This respiratory disease was first detected in a Kentucky resident on March 6, 2020.
For the latest information and prevention updates, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2019 novel coronavirus site
Healthcare providers, laboratories, and local public health professionals, visit the COVID-19 Healthcare Providers and Laboratory Services site for the most current guidance.
Gov. Andy Beshear's Communications Office (news releases, other advisories)
Gov. Andy Beshear's YouTube Channel - all posted news conference videos. You can view livestream events here.
KDPH YouTube Channel - all KDPH-produced video
If you have developed a fever or respiratory symptoms and believe you have had exposure to a known case or traveled to an area with community spread, isolate yourself from others in your home and contact your healthcare provider or local health department to describe your symptoms and any recent travel before you go to the healthcare facility.
Hand Hygiene
Everyone can help prevent the spread of illness by washing their hands properly. Make handwashing a healthy habit. For more information, visit the
Center for Disease Control Prevention handwashing site.
Community Guidance
Social distancing is key to keeping Kentuckian's safe. It is essential that Kentuckian's participate in the following social distancing activities:
- It is advised that all community gatherings be cancelled
- All 172 school districts, the Kentucky School for the Blind and Kentucky School for the Deaf will close
- Avoid all non-essential travel. Do not fly. Do not participate in cruise travel.
- Recommend the temporary closure of senior centers to help halt the spread of the virus for those most vulnerable
- All state prisons are closed to visitors
- Recommend businesses to utilize telecommuting and allow employees to work from home if possible
- State boards and commissions have canceled any scheduled in-person meetings and instead will use video teleconference technology
- Hospitals are asked to cease elective procedures
This guidance will continue to change as circumstances warrant.
KDPH Updates